The safety and reliability of Vermont’s electric transmission system depends on effective maintenance of VELCO’s electric transmission structures to ensure they can continue to serve Vermont’s energy…
The Village President and Unified Manager were notified this week that Congressman Peter Welch has nominated the Crescent Connector Project connecting Routes 2A and 117 for member designation in the…
With warmer temps, residents may be starting some yard cleanup and outdoor activities. The Essex Junction Fire Department is reminding you of the Open Burning Ordinance for the Village and that the…
Join the Manager for a casual coffee chat on Wednesday morning, April 7th at 10:00am. If you're not a coffee fan, grab your tea or water and take some time to connect with others in the virtual…
The 2021 Village Annual Meeting will be held entirely by Australian ballot. A public informational hearing on the Articles to be voted on at Village Annual Meeting will be held according to 17 V.S.A.…
The Town of Essex Board of Civil Authority will be conducting a recount of the ballots on March 8, 2021. The public is invited to attend via Microsoft Teams.
Essex Junction Recreation & Parks (EJRP) is building a destination playground at Maple Street Park. We are seeking the newest, highest, greatest, most thrilling, engaging, and exciting structures and…
The Town Selectboard will hold two public hearings on the Plan of Merger and the Charter for merged municipalities as approved by the Selectboard on January 11, 2021.
Are you a resident of Vermont or have you traveled to Vermont from out-of-state during the Covid-19 pandemic? Complete an online survey and enter for a chance to win one of ten $25 gift cards to a…
Residential Christmas trees will be picked up at the curbside starting at 7:30 AM Monday, January 4th, weather permitting by Village and Town Public Works crews.
Essex is committing to examining the policies and practices of not only our Police Department but our entire municipality, through the lens of racial and social justice that…
Join us on Oct. 3 for a Village-wide, Fall litter clean-up along Route 15, Five Corners, and Maple Street Park. Let’s take pride in our community with this joint effort to keep it clean and green!
The community of Essex, VT is home to several food service and social service groups for those in need of some extra assistance, whether temporary or long-term.
Housing advocates and reports have highlighted the urgent need for all types of housing in our community, and have recommended creation of a local housing commission. This is even more relevant during…
With the COVID-19 Social Distancing and Personal Protection Guidelines still in effect, changes have been made to the Green-Up day procedures for this year. It is important that everyone…
The legal voters of the Essex Westford Educational Community Unified School District #51 (hereafter "Essex Westford School District") comprising the voters of the Village of Essex Junction, Essex…
The Village of Essex Junction Board of Trustees and the Essex Westford School District (EWSD) Board took an unprecedented action on May 5 by agreeing to mail ballots to all active voters in Essex and…