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Densmore Drive has a whole new look!

Posted Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Densmore Drive damage from October 2019

Densmore Drive after summer project 2021

Densmore Drive, which has been closed since the infamous Halloween storm in November 2019 was upgraded over the summer and is now open. The road was closed after a FEMA-declared event storm washed out twin culverts. The culverts allowed Indian Brook to pass under the road. The site design and restoration were extremely complex with all utilities passing on top of, or under the washed-out culvert. To top things off, the entire site is clay and brick rubble from the old Drury Brick Works that was located on Brickyard Road.

A replacement concrete box culvert was installed this summer. The new box culvert can now handle much larger storm events. All utilities were relocated and some replaced as a part of the project including a waterline, sewer line, and new stormwater structures.

The $1M project was under budget and completed on schedule with some slight timing adjustments. The project was designed by Hoyle Tanner & Associates, installed by S.D. Ireland and funded by a FEMA grant with a match from the Village Capital account.

Special thanks to the Village Water Quality and Public Works staff, in particular Chelsea Mandigo, Jim Jutras, and Ricky Jones for coordination and teamwork to ensure the project went as smoothly and as quickly as possible.