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Tax & Utility Rates

City Tax Rates for 2023 (Fiscal Year End June 30, 2024)

Taxes are payable in two installments on Sept. 15 and March 15.

EntityTax Rate
Economic Development0.0100
Local Agreement Rate0.0015
Total Municipal Rate0.9314
Non-Homestead Education Rate1.7754
Homestead Education Rate1.6646

City Tax Rates for 2023 (Fiscal Year End June 30, 2024)

Utility Rates

Detailed explanation of your City utility bill

FY24 Water Usage Rate: fixed charge of $152.52 per year plus $0.0257 per cubic foot

FY24 Wastewater Treatment Rate: fixed charge of $127.66 per year plus $0.0116 per cubic foot

FY24 Sanitation Rate: fixed charge of $118.82 per year plus $0.0068 per cubic foot

FY24 Large User Water Rate: $0.140 per 1,000 gallons

FY24 Wastewater Treatment Wholesale Rate: $4.146 per 1,000 gallons

For example, the cost to the City resident using 120 gallons per day will increase by 12.07% or $70.72 per year. The large user rate is increasing by $0.030 or 27.7%. The wastewater treatment wholesale rate is increasing $4.146 or 16.3%.

Effective July 1, 2020 a $35 flat fee will be applied to all interim bill requests. This includes interim bill requests for the sale of property or for a change of tenant in rental properties.

Beginning in calendar year 2021, Water, Sewer, and Sanitation charges will be billed three times per year (tri-annually). Each bill will include four months of usage charges and four months of fixed charges.

Automatic Payment Information

Would you like to pay your utilities or taxes automatically? The Finance Department offers a direct debit program to your authorized checking or savings account on the due date.  To enroll please complete one or both of the following forms. Please note, in order to enroll for both taxes and utilities you must fill out both forms.