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Design Five Corners Workshop

Posted Monday, September 17, 2018

Design Five Corners wants to talk to YOU!  Our team from Dubois & King, Inc. will be at the Five Corners Farmers' Market from 3:30-6:30 on Wednesday, September 19.  We will be conducting surveys and listening to your stories about traveling through and living near the Five Corners area. What have you experienced?  What would you like to experience?  

We will follow up on our discussions at the Farmers' Market with an evening workshop from 7:00-8:30 PM. This will be graciously hosted by the Darkroom Gallery at 12 Main Street.  At this workshop, we will provide you with an overview of where the Design Five Corners Project is headed and how it began.  The event will include several activities designed to be thought-provoking and entertaining, so join us as we look toward the future of Five Corners and Downtown Essex Junction!